Reviews and Gameplays of "A Tale of a Legacy"


Here is a bunch of reviews and gameplays that have played our latest graphic adventure "A Tale of a Legacy"

Our game is famous in Youtube :)
Ana Moon`s Gameplays:

Don Rodrigo y Gustavo's Gameplay (formerly know as "AGS Productions")

Cryptic Hybrid's gameplay:

And with this guides you can complete the game:
A dutch walkthrough...:
and his english version:

Our friends of Revista Morcego reviewed the game.
And another review from the Balea webpage.
Of course, our fiends of Devuego had included our game on their interesting Videogame Database

On AdventureGameStudio Games Webpage. The user Fribbi enjoyed a lot our game:
I highly recommend this game for every players to download this adventure game to play this amazingly well done game. The graphic are very beautiful. The story is great. The music is fantastic. The gameplay are not so hard. But the game is large. It has everything adventure game should had.
This is a very exiting good romantic adventure game with lots of quest to deal with.
One of the best free adventure game of the year 2020.

And our game is available on ITCH.IO 

Thank you very much for your support!


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